Saturday, 28 March 2020

Heart Whisperd

Heart Whisperd...!

Relation made in compulsion expell hate and dishonor in sorrounding they bring sadness to heart , depression to mind and satiety as well . What these relation worth if you don't have peace of mind . Life is unlikely to become joyful when you encounter such people around you who penetrate sword of disloyalty and a hug of diplomacy .
People think of there plant they planted beside your tree and cut you hardships for there seasonal happiness . Kindness is shattered , love is hated and understandings are underestimated by your loved one and made shiny pieces of yours while making their way to blind pouch of sins . I wonder why people consider happiness cheap if they are mine and costly if they are theirs why they don't want someone to be happy , to be successful , to be with peace of mind and spirit . Why people bring our bad habits in front of others who have nothing to do with them . Why people bring water to our sand castle made on shore of happiness , love and kindness . Why they don't let us to dwell in it , to live our dreams and bring positivness to people and things around you.
Please be kind to innocent , be gentle with your losing fellow , hide their sins , expose their abilities , appereciate their hardships & Spread Love ❤